Monday, June 14, 2010

Terriers Need Board Members... AGM This Thursday

I'm not pushing a panic button on behalf of a team I cover or anything... but the Yorkton Terriers' AGM is this Thurday, and in order to have a full slate of board members for the upcoming season, they really need some new blood on the executive.

The 9 person board ran with two people short last year, and four of the two-year terms are up:

- Lyle Walsh (President)
- Larry Wells (VP/Governor)
- Bill Wright (Treasurer)
- Alan Hill (Secretary)

I haven't talked to all four of them, but I've heard two of them likley won't be seeking new terms, while two will likely let their names stand.

And, being that I work with Randy Atkinson, one of the nomination committee members, I know he's had exactly ZERO people put their name forward, and we've been hammering it on the radio for at least the last week.

I'm sure it's a last minute thing and names will trickle in this week, and there could quite possibly be nominations from the floor on Thursday, but as of now, there are only 5 guys on the Executive, if infact the two from last year aren't back on.

- Doug Bullis
- Ward Brown
- Ron Pasloski
- ????
- ????

I won't write who I've been told is coming back at this point, since nothing is for sure until Thursday.

As Lyle Walsh says in our interview below... the work load isn't as much as people think, provided they fill all the spots.

Terrier President Lyle Walsh

Contact Randy Atkinson, Gene Krepakevich, Ron Pasloski, or any other current board member to put your name forward.

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