Both of Weyburn's goals came on the powerplay. Miguel Pereira, who missed Game 6, had his usual jump, and scored at 13:07 of the first period, and Ryan Whitell found the net at 8:30 of period two, on a long 5-on-3.
The Mils managed only 14 shots in the first two periods, then put 17 pucks on goal in the third, but couldn't get one past Kilgore.
They had their chances on the powerplay, including three in the third period, but would finish the night 0/7, and 6/39 in the series. Since Game 1, their PP went just 2/31.
The Millionaires say good-bye to 9 graduating 20-year-olds. Goaltender Blake Voth, defensemen Tyson Newell, Bob Pond, Lee Christensen, and Brett Kipling, and forwards Michael Desjarlais, Jesse Mireau, Connor Bradshaw and Taylor Wasden.
I was at the game in Weyburn tonight and was very impressed by the Mills and their play. The only thing they didn't do was get the puck past Kilgore. He made 10-12 key saves on superior chances by the Mills. The teams were evenly matched except for the Wings being a bit bigger and better on defence, and Kilgore stood on hs head while Voth was just very good. Weyburn is defintely well deserving of the win, but Melville did a great job. i heard there are people in Melville who want Fiesel gone. That would be a very bad move as the guy is a great coach, a great recruiter and a fixture. You are going to find out how many contacts he has when you ever lose him, because guys are going to Melville for him not the town or team. Players love him. You let him go, you are in the toilet in 2 years. That is my true guess. He is great.
Can you play the last minute of last nights game.
You do such a great Job.
I agree with the Fiesel comments, gotta keep him unless he decides to go on his own.
I agree with this poster, my son was only in Melville a short time yet he appreciated the way Fies and the rest of the coaches communicated with him at all times. When you have a good coach you best hang onto him because not everyone can wear all the hats needed. Fundraiser, educator, recruiter, it's not easy at the Jr. A level. Do the right thing and sign him to 1 year deal plus an option. You'll be glad you did.
That is a good suggestion about the one year and an option year. You lose a lot of guys this year but ironically keep a pretty strong core of offense. Recruit some good back end guys and you are set to go again but who knows better than fies what is needed.
I would sign to more than just 1 year. He does a lot for the team and not everyone can do that.
Sign Fies,
He's great for hockey and the Community!
With all the injuries the team had,they showed remarkable desire, grit & commitment.
Great year guys, in our mind you are the real Champions!
To the person who keeps checking to see if I publish his comments and berating me for not, please email me and I'll be happy to explain.
You have lost all my respect Craig in not posting the other side of this story. I will tell everyone I know who follows you about this, I know this wont bother you in the least but its not the way things should be done.
Well, I never had any respect for you because of your name, anonymous, so my feelings aren't hurt at all. Like I said, email me and I think you'll understand.
Uh oh, just got angry call on my cell saying, "STEINER FIESEL'S A BUM AND I WANNA SEE THAT ON YOUR BLOG!!!"
It was Jamie Fiesel.
Your blog is great Craig thanks for only posting respectful comments and those you feel we want to read, we truly trust your judgement as should anyone that posts comments, geat season with Mils and terriers games now enjoy time with your family
I think fiesel is great! maybe the best ever! hope he stays for another 15 years....there, that one should make it on. its a joke Stein. I didnt bad mouth anyone, i stated simple facts.
Very well put!
Still awaiting your email. I know your name would be attached to your email and that's pretty scary, so not holding my breath.
Craig, I don't envy your bust your but and still have to put up with idiots!. I know most all of us post as anonymous....but as long as you keep it respectful, it shouldn't matter. Even though I was one of those bitter Terrier fans that hated to see Melville move on.....I still was hoping for them against the Wings. Thanks for all the great coverage this season....looking forward to next season already.
To me Stein just posts what he wants and when it is about the Terriers he goes on and on.
His blurb this 750 am on Gx did not say much about the mills. If it was the Terriers we never would have heard the end of it. O well whatever.
Hi, a comment from Weyburn,
I think it would be crazy to get rid of Fiesel! I can't think of a series against Weyburn anyway that wasn't high intensity & entertaining, He always brings a good team. I would rate him one of the top 3 coaches in the league. I was way more worried when Melville was coming to town than Yorkton. If the Mils would have scored first last night who knows what would have happened?? We might not even be having this discussion. Mcmillan went long stretches without championships, But still is one of the best coaches ever in the SJ. Never met Jamie, But have seen him coach & listened to interviews, Seems like a great guy.
If it were up to me & Mcmillan retires, I would take him here if you're going to let him go.
Red Wing Fan
Thanks for the insight Bill. My daily commentary at 7:45 is always 60 seconds long whether it's about your favourite team or not.
It was nice to see the Melville coaches come on the ice and shake hands with the Weyburn team. The Weyburn coaches should take some lessons on respect for a team that put it all out there and lost. It showed that Melville is a class act.
To get rid of Fiesel is to go conpletely backwards. Let's be clear here, and this is not to be rude. Melville, altjough a nice groupof people, is simply not a town or organization that can attract players without a dynamic and committed person at the helm. You can take all the applications, big name coaches looking for work and you can think about all the what ifs in the worlds. Right now you havea good hockey guy, a good community guy, a person who is committed, and a guy who the kids want to play for. His record of competitive teams is unblemished, his reputation is of being fair but a good person, he will continually have a good team, and to change what is not broken is a bad move. I don't praticularly care what Melville does, but I can tell you you guys should be thanking your lucky stars that you have a guy like this in place and if you think you can do better, then move him out and I guarantee the playoffs get missed 2-3 times in the next five eyars cause kids go there for him. As well, if anyone should lose their jobs it is the board of directors who have allowed this man to be the talk of the league, when the whole world knew he was potentially done and that the board wasn't happy. Shame on you guys for allowing a family and a great man to go through this all winter. Maybe he should let you fire him and see what kind of guy takes a job for a board like that. Look at kids like williams, kilback, Predinchuk. those are elite players who could go anywhere, but they love your coach. look at all the 20s who choose Melvillle. Do what you want but you have been warned. Lose Fiesel and you are making a lethal mistake to the organization's future.
To the person who wrote the above blog. What makes you think Fiesel is fired? Do you know something no one else does? And to say the board of directors should get fired - come on - these are all volunteers who put hundreds of hours into this organization. You probably do not have a clue what goes into running a team.
Time will tell what happens; maybe Fiesel himself is looking elsewhere. Do not comment if you have no clue what the organization is doing.
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