Thursday, May 21, 2009

Earlier Games in 2009-10?

A big shot in the Yorkton Terriers' organization asked me to put a poll on the blog asking fans if they'd like to see home games moved to 7:00pm starts this coming season, instead of the usual 7:30. You can have your say by voting in the top right corner from now until their AGM, which, I believe, is June 17th.

Obviously this means the team is kicking around the idea for 2009-10, and they want your say. I believe a poll will also be made available at

The Kindersley Klippers switched to 7:00 starts last season, and I love it, honestly. The only problem I can see is some people might work until 6:00, and have to get home, feed their family, and get to FAA by 7:00. But personally, after doing 80+ games in each of the last two seasons, I would not complain one bit if I was in bed half an hour earlier some nights... so I kinda hope the rest of the league eventually follows suit.

Your thoughts?

Please vote, and comment with your reasons why on this page. Also, if you're a Message Boarder, feel free to bring it up on the SJHL Message Board, and direct people to this site to have their say. Hits have been more than cut in half since hockey ended so increased traffic will obviously lead to more votes.


Anonymous said...

7:00 is better, especially for the future of the league - our young fans. The earlier they get to bed - the better.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this Craig, going to bed a half an hour earlier especially when the alarm goes off at 4am would be fantastic!!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the referees.

If the game starts a half-hour earlier, than the referees have to leave earlier, too. They have jobs, and they can't just leave early. Can they?

Stick with 7:30 p.m. Terriers. No need to change it.

- H.K.