Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Terriers Score 7 in 7th Playoff Win

The Yorkton Terriers improved to 7-0 in the post-season, after a second straight 7-0 win over Kindersley.

Just like in Game 2, Devin Peters made 32 saves for the shutout, while one line was responsible for 6 of the 7 goals. Justin Buzzeo (3g-2a), Clarke Breitkreuz (2g-2a) and Robbie Ciolfi (1g-2a) combined for 12 points, scoring 2 powerplay, 1 short-handed and 3 even strength goals. Jeremy boyer rounded out the scoring with a 4-on-4 breakaway goal.

Peters and the Terriers have played 137 minutes and 16 seconds of shutout hockey, and have killed off 21 consecutive Klipper powerplays. Peters lowered his GAA to 0.75, and boosted his save percentage to .978% in these playoffs.

Kindersley out-played and out-chanced the Terriers in the first period, out-shooting the Terriers 13-9 in the opening frame, but it was 2-0 Yorkton.

They added four goals in the 2nd, and one in the 3rd.

As Coach Trent Cassan said on the Post Game Show, they still haven't won anything, and still have to win one more against what's sure to be a hungry Klipper team if they want to claim a second straight Sherwood Conference banner.

Game 4 goes Wednesday night in Kindersley, catch the Pre Game Show at 7:15, Play-by-Play at 7:30.

Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Virgin Mobile.


Clansman2112 said...

Can you say BEATDOWN!!!

I knew you could....

Anonymous said...

who cares laronge will eat the dogs

Anonymous said...

And when that doesn't happen, they'll lose to Manitoba. And when they don't, Spruce Grove will kick their ass at RBC. What's wrong? Terriers sh!t kick your son's team?

Craig Stein said...

I'm pretty sure that's 2 different people, a Terrier hater and a Terrier fan, #3 is beaking #2.

dlj0828 said...

after listening to the broadcast last night, then reading the blog from brenden lurich this afternoon, i have decided to listen to the melfort broadcast instead of gx'S. At least they had positive comments about the terriers and honest comments about how kindersley is struggling. craig, you were more excited when kindersley had the puck than yorkton. I have thought all year long that the terriers have not gotten their due praise, we hear more about melville, estevan "the team built for the playoffs" swan valley and wayway. No one can call you a homer, that's for sure!!

Craig Stein said...

Oh my goodness.

Anonymous said...

Craig keep doing what you are doing. Nobody wants to hear a homer. You are one of the best broadcasters in the business. We love your call of the game. Not everyone realizes how far GX94 broadcasts.They cover many teams and call the game the way it is. Keep up the good work and go Terriers.

Craig Stein said...

I AM pro-Terriers in this series, but NO, I'm not gonna go off the rails when they make it 7-0 in another team's rink, surrounded by the other team's media and volunteers.

I'm pretty sure I had plenty of energy for the first 5 goals. They'll be replayed at the start of the Pre Game if you don't believe me.

With Peters' shutout the only thing in jeopardy in the dying minutes, does it not make sense to amplify a little when the Klippers get a chance?

Anonymous said...

We all know you had enough energy last year in game 7! We wont have to worry about game 7 this year. Good Job Craig!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, you're right, those are different posters, sorry #3! But the comment still stands for #2, the donkey! Craig good job from the broadcast booth, you can't make everyone happy! It's tough job, thank goodness it's yours!

Anonymous said...

whatever yorkton will get their pants kicked soon enough.
Last year they went to game 7 of the final and lost to LR and lost money on top of that.

Anonymous said...

No I don't think that will happen, I think it will be a lot closer series but there is no way there will be pants kicked either way, they will win is my prediction, everyone on that team has played as a team and each series has been like they are in the finals already. As for losing money I think that was two or three years ago, they have made the level of hockey so entertaining last year and this, the crowd gets bigger each game that is always how playoffs go unless of course they play the Mils first then both clubs profit right away, if fans don't come out they are definetly missing out, GO TERRIERS

Anonymous said...

Okay dummy (last poster), they didn't go to game 7 it was game 6! What a stupid comment, they lost money! The fact that really matters now is they haven't lost a game!

Anonymous said...

they did so lose money it was made public last year after their general meeting. la ronge in 5..

dogs eaten alive yes

Anonymous said...

they lost in game 7to la ronge r u on crack oh no your from yorkton

Anonymous said...

Go check the stats from last year, it was GAME 6! Why waste my time on dumber than dumber! Come on, someone else tell this clown it was game 6!

Craig Stein said...

It was 6 games you clown. La Ronge had home ice in the series and won the league in Yorkton... IN GAME 6! I post your comments for pure comedic value, but please stop.

Craig Stein said...

That's hilarious. In this same comment thread someone else said I only talk about Melville Swan and Wayway and not enough about the Terriers.

With the Terriers the last team of ours remaining, I think you can expect more Terrier talk the rest of the way... Makes sense doesn't it??