Friday, February 18, 2011

Mils Catch a Break?

Thursday night's game which was postponed between the Notre Dame Hounds and Estevan Bruins due to travel conditions, will now be played Monday afternoon at 2:00. I figured the game would have to be Monday, since ND plays Saturday and Sunday, and Estevan plays Tuesday... and they likely wouldn't want to go Wednesday, since one, or BOTH of the Bruins and Hounds could be in the Survivor Series starting Friday.

Is this a good thing for the Melville Millionaires? It can't hurt.

This means the Hounds, the team they're trying to hold off for the final playoff spot, plays their last three games of the season in three days (close to 2.5). They're home to Humboldt on Saturday, in Weyburn Sunday at 6:00, and now in Estevan Monday at 2:00.

This also forces the Bruins to play on back-to-back nights... with the Millionaires in Estevan on Tuesday, to finish the regular season. Melville plays Friday (@WEY) and Saturday (vsLAR), and then are off until that Tuesday game in Estevan.

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